Mission/Outreach Team
The Mission/Outreach Team recently met to discuss plans to promote awareness of need in the world, nation, area and church without monetary expense. Recent projects such as the Souper Bowl and connecting our shut-ins with congre-gation members are examples.
It costs nothing to smile and greet each other and especially new attendees. It was decided to collect items for various needs the 5th Sunday of March, June, September and December. These are not to be bought but are things we don’t need or throw away. There will be a table with marked containers to collect the donations. Suggestions include the following:
Aluminum cans for Day Care
Plastic bags from stores [Dollar General, Walmart, etc.] for the Food Pantry
Old towels for the APL [pet toys, too]
Kitchen and hand towels for making bibs
Pieces of material for making quilts
Baby & child clothing
Remember: Do not buy anything, just items clean and in good condition. If you have questions, ask a team member [Kris Zemla, Jean Fields, Arlene Loomis, Don & Marcia Palm, Sally McCroskey, Hannah Chase and Carla Clark]
Suggestions welcomed!
Many of you know of our local missionaries Carlos and Barbara Barhonna who move between Conneaut and a wonderful mission in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, begun about 25 years ago by our own Barbara Maurer (Barhonna). The mission now serves hundreds of families and their children through high school who otherwise live without basic necessities of life,education , and the message of Christ in their lives.
About 5 years ago the Barhonnas did a presentation at our church asking for support and offering Child Sponsorships. I am not sure how many of you signed up then but I jumped at the chance and Bob and I have sponsored child, Angelo who is now 13 years old with monthly contributions for his support. I hope some more of you “joined in”. at that time. I know UMW has been sponsoring Gabriela. The Child Sponsorship ministry is opening up after COVID and admitting some new families so they have available sponsorships. The kids have sponsors from all over the US
Please contact me and I will pass your information onto the. Sponsorship Director, Morgan Ring who is from the Federated Church in W Springfield. She will tell you who is without a current sponsor.
Two years ago I went down to Tegucigalpa and spent a week at the ministry and LOVED the experience. The Mission Team house is safe and beautiful! The Mission itself down in the city is most impressive in all that has been accomplished in 25 years.
In our week down there 3 years ago we did very light projects and spent most of our time visiting with children and families. The enthusiasm and spirit of the Lords work in this poor country was astounding. We also had a lot of fun with our team (10 or 12 others) and the Barhonnas, wonderful hosts! We all took presents brought from the US to our sponsored kids and the Mission gifted them with a food basket. We took our kids on field trips, SO FUN! I wanted to go back….COVID hit!
This year June 11-18, 2022, the same team, including 2 Kennedy’s and 2 Corlett’s from Conneaut are going down there for a week long Family Focused Mission Trip. We are excited! If NLUMC has missed anyone who wants to join us in the trip let me know ASAP. 330-495-1677; katsk1230@gmail.com. Also, I would love to take responsibility to deliver and take pictures of anyone who has a sponsored child they want me to follow that week. I will be following Angelo. I’m sure Shirley will help me tell stories of other families.
Nueva Esperanza has asked that we consider bringing down some new laptop computers donated from the NLUMC. I have been in touch with Ann Wiley for the church Mission Team. The big thrust of Nueva Esperanza right now is to generate funds for a Youth Training Facility that is 1/2 funded. I have sent two videos to Melinda, one about Nueva Esperanza in general and another about the miracle of a Nueva Esperanza Youth Training Facility. Many children have now grown up in the mission and need to launch a productive adult life to lift themselves out of abject poverty. A Grand Dream that God is Blessing (The Youth Training Facility).
I would love to have each one of you experience the Amazing Blessing that Nueva Esperanza is…you will fall in love as I have. Please call and chat with me. Please make a contribution specific to our upcoming trip down there. Please get involved in this amazing shared ministry
In Christ’s Love around the World, Karen Kennedy

Blessings in a backpack is a national organization with local chapters who provide for elementary aged children to ensure they have adequate food through the weekends.
New Leaf is currently serving 374 children in six schools in Ashtabula County each week. We purchase, assemble, and deliver the bags to the local schools for distribution.
We rely on volunteers to help with fund raisers, planning, purchasing, packing and delivery. We welcome financial assistance via check made out to New Leaf UMC or Blessings in a Backpack and mailed to 110 Gateway Avenue, Conneaut, OH 44030. All donations will be directed to support our local program.
New Leaf contacts: Sally McCroskey
Debi Mixer

Your Mission team needs you
The mission team is gearing up for many events this summer and is looking for volunteers.

Our Missions Team went to Washington North Carolina,
New Leaf Missions Team went to a place that was still trying to recover from 2016 Hurricane Matthew. The first project was a trailer, we were the last of the rehab of that unit, we dug a trench for a sewer line, fix doors, windows, painting, install hot water heater and dryer vent. Last minute items before electricity is turned on and finally after 2 years the owners will be able to occupy their house.
The second house we worked on was for a mother with 2 young girls, currently they are living in the half of a house that was not destroyed by a tornado. We were there to do finish carpentry work their new house on her mother’s property, we did painting, installed deck rails and steps, install bathroom fixtures and lighting, install electrical outlets.